Sunday, September 27, 2009

Chalk Awe-tists

Hagan and Katy didn't win a prize, but we did these lovely drawings -

Emarie got a first prize for her fire dancer

Bohni got first prize for her radio flyer

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Blue Grass Luau at Dallas Olson's

Dallas performed, we all hung out and Haeli showed up, showed off and sparkled!

Haeli surprised us with her engagement ring, and then she wow'd 'em with her performances.

Pot lucky

The Monarch Migration made it's way through Bohni's creative kitchen and landed at Dallas's party!

Bohni made the most amazing garden cupcakes. They are covered with Oreo Cookies, then vegetables sculped from Starbursts and Cornflakes dipped in tinted white chocolate. The pea pods are stuffed with green M & M's.

Haeli, trying on an antique

Don't show the Groom, but here's the first fitting before alterations. Isn't she sumpin?

And this is the view from the back. Who ever saw such a samall wahaist?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Vixen is Haeli's Chihuahua Yorkie mix, but we've adopted her while Haeli is in college and working during the summer. We love her.
A big, mean dog broke her leg last summer, but she recovered well.
We also have our eye on Angus, a Yorkie Chitsu as her first date. When she turns sixteen.

Bohni Belle

Bohni also is a marvelous chanteuse. She wins wonderful ribbons at the fair for her creative artwork and bakes amazing cakes. She is a gifted actress and loves her cockatiels, beta, and our little Vixen.

Anneke Morgan

Anneke has a degree in French, Graphic Design and a minor in Art History.
She speaks Japanese fluently and is currently studying Chinese. She also studied pottery in Oaxaca, Mexico. Right now she's working on a Doctorate degree in linguistics. She also is a member of a swing kids dance club. She cooks really wonderful and different foods and has lots of friends, so she has lots of parties.

Hagan, our hero

Hagan does Johnny Depp well, doncha think?

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